(217) 924-4606
We provide a wide selection of products, from accurate meters, auto-swath control, variable rate, automated downforce control, insecticide, and accurate monitoring.
Our focus is on nutrient and nitrogen management, fungicide application, tillage practices and residue management; along with the Base-Plus Approach.
This highly advanced software is designed to use real-time and historical crop information, along with weather data, to help a grower like you make agronomic decisions.
Yetter is recongized as the industry leader of residue management, harvest attachments, closing wheels, no-till and strip till attachments.
Harvest International's Ultra Plant toolbar and UltraMax striptill bars can be fully customized by the team at Planters Precision to fit the needs of your farming operation.
Martin-Till offers high-quality products for row cleaning, furrow closing, and fertilizer attachment systems.
GTS X10 corn heads and Flexer drapers are compatible with most North American combines.
Offering the newest products and solutions to help you bring home more yield.