b'SMARTDEPTH GEN3 20|20 V DRIVEQuickly and easily make depthMonitor, control, and diagnose Electric drive motor with row-changes, as conditions change your field conditions andby-row controlequipment performance in real-timeV SET DELTAFORCE SPEEDTUBERequires no mechanical orEnable correct down forceIncrease speed while vacuum adjustment. Themanagement row-by-rowmaintaining singulation floating singulator makes surethroughout the field and spacingno two seeds can occupy the same holeSMARTFIRMER FURROWFORCE REVEALMeasures temperature,Automated two-stage closingFrame-mounted with its moisture, CEC, organic matter,system designed to create theown internal gauge wheel, clean furrow, andperfect environmentprecisely controls the depth uniform furrow for seeds to thrive of the cleaning tines for even emergence2 Planting Solutions'